How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value?

Understand the key factors that influence cryptocurrency value, from economic principles to technological advancements.

How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value?

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital money. It exists only online and uses special technology (cryptography) to secure transactions. Unlike regular money from banks, cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning no single person or government controls them. Bitcoin is the first and most famous cryptocurrency, created in 2009. An understanding of how cryptocurrency gains value gives you a clear picture of what decisions to make at every given time. This knowledge helps you:

  • Invest Wisely. Knowing why a cryptocurrency is valuable helps you make smart investment choices and avoid scams.
  • Handle Risks Better. The market value of cryptocurrencies changes quickly. Understanding what influences these changes helps you manage risk.
  • Become Tech Savvy. Cryptocurrencies are tied to new technologies. Understanding them keeps you ahead of tech trends.
  • Grow Your Wealth. Cryptocurrencies affect the economy and finance. Knowing their value helps you understand these impacts.
  • Abide by Rules. Governments are making rules about cryptocurrencies. Knowing their value helps you understand these regulations.

Fundamental Economic Principles

Economic principles apply to every aspect of life. This is especially true for the law of supply and demand, as well as scarcity. Let’s take a look at how these principles affect cryptocurrencies value: 

Supply and Demand

Supply and demand determine the price of goods and services. Supply is how much of something is available, and demand is how much people want it. Prices usually go up when demand is high, and supply is low, and they go down when supply is high and demand is low.

The same rules apply here. The value of a cryptocurrency depends on how many people want to buy it (demand) and how many coins are available (supply). If a lot of people want to buy a cryptocurrency but there aren’t many coins available, the price will go up. If there are many coins available but not many people want to buy them, the price will go down.

Some cryptocurrencies have a fixed supply, meaning there is a limit to how many coins can ever exist. Bitcoin is a good example. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. This scarcity can make Bitcoin more valuable if demand increases.

On the other hand, some cryptocurrencies have a flexible supply, meaning the number of coins can change over time. Ethereum doesn’t have a strict limit on how many Ether coins can be created. This flexibility affects its value differently compared to fixed-supply cryptocurrencies.


Scarcity means that there is a limited amount of something available. When something is scarce, it is harder to get. Scarcity is a key factor that influences prices and value in economics. 

When a cryptocurrency has a limited supply, it means there are only a certain number of coins available. If more people want to buy and hold the coin, the price tends to go up because there aren't enough coins for everyone who wants them. To control supply and create scarcity, some cryptocurrencies use a mechanism called "token burning." This involves permanently removing a certain number of coins from circulation. Some projects regularly burn tokens based on usage or profits, reducing the overall supply. 

Internal Factors To Consider on How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value

The internal factors affecting the value of a cryptocurrency revolve around three major points. These factors are the currency’s internal makeup (technological infrastructure), its use case(s), and economic model (tokenomics).

Technological Infrastructure

The tech infrastructure of a cryptocurrency contributes to its value. The typical infrastructure consists of the blockchain technology it uses, the efficiency and security of its network, and the ability to handle transactions quickly and reliably. Bitcoin's value is partly driven by its secure and widely trusted blockchain.

Mining is the process by which new coins are created, and transactions are verified. For proof-of-work cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin), mining requires significant computational power to ensure network security and integrity. The difficulty and energy required for mining limit the supply of new coins.

The cost of producing a cryptocurrency, especially in proof-of-work systems, involves significant expenses. Mining requires substantial electricity and specialized hardware. These costs affect the minimum price at which miners are willing to sell their coins. If the cost of mining increases, the price of the cryptocurrency also needs to increase to ensure mining remains profitable.

Bitcoin miners invest in powerful hardware and pay high electricity bills to solve complex mathematical problems. These expenses mean that if the price of Bitcoin falls too low, miners might stop mining, reducing the supply of new coins (and potentially driving prices back up).

Utility and Use Cases

Cryptocurrencies with high utility are more likely to be in demand (which can drive up their value). When a cryptocurrency is used in a wide range of applications, it becomes more valuable because more people need it to access these services.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) uses cryptocurrencies to provide financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading without intermediaries (like banks). This creates a direct use case for certain cryptocurrencies.

Other applications that enhance utility include:

  • Smart Contracts. Self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. They automate and streamline processes without the need for a middleman.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology.
  • Payment Systems. Cryptocurrencies are used for fast, low-cost global transactions.

Some examples of cryptocurrencies with high utility are:

  • Ethereum (ETH): Known for its smart contract functionality. ETH allows developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on its platform.
  • Binance Coin (BNB): Used on the Binance exchange to pay for trading fees. BNB powers the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which supports DeFi applications (dApps).
  • Chainlink (LINK): Provides reliable, tamper-proof data for smart contracts on any blockchain. 
  • Polkadot (DOT): It possesses cross-chain compatibility, allowing different blockchains to transfer messages and value in a risk-free fashion.


Tokenomics refers to the “economic model” behind a cryptocurrency or token. It encompasses all aspects that affect a token's creation, distribution, and overall value. Key components of tokenomics include:

  • Supply Mechanisms: This includes how tokens are created and controlled. Some cryptocurrencies have a fixed supply (like Bitcoin's 21 million cap), while others have flexible or inflationary supply models. Supply mechanisms can include minting new tokens or burning existing ones to reduce supply.
  • Reward Systems: Many cryptocurrencies have built-in reward systems to incentivize participants. In proof-of-work systems, miners are rewarded with new coins for validating transactions. In proof-of-stake systems, validators earn rewards for staking their coins and helping to secure the network.
  • Distribution Methods: This covers how tokens are initially distributed and released over time. This can include initial coin offerings (ICOs), airdrops, or vesting schedules to ensure tokens are gradually introduced to the market.
  • Incentives: These are mechanisms to encourage certain behaviors within the network, such as staking, holding, or using the token. Incentives are necessary for network growth and sustainability.

Importance of a Well-Defined Tokenomics Model

A well-defined tokenomics model grants a cryptocurrency long-term success and stability. Here are why:

  • Attracts Investors: Clear and balanced tokenomics make a cryptocurrency more appealing to investors. Creators are transparent, and this gives investors confidence on how the token’s value might appreciate over time.
  • Ensures Stability: Proper tokenomics prevents excessive inflation or deflation of the token’s value.
  • Encourages Participation: Incentives and rewards systems motivate users to participate in the network, whether through staking, mining, or using the token for transactions. 
  • Facilitates Growth: A well-planned distribution model can ensure that tokens are released in a manner that supports the network's growth and avoids sudden market shocks.

External Factors To Consider on How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value

The major external influence on cryptocurrency is market psychology, including:

Market Sentiment

Market sentiment refers to the attitude of investors toward a particular financial market or asset. Here’s how it works. If investors collectively believe that a cryptocurrency will increase in value, their positive sentiment can drive up demand, thereby increasing the price.

Investors often follow the crowd. When they see others buying, they might do the same, driving prices up (and vice versa when selling).

During bull markets, the price of cryptocurrencies tends to increase significantly as more investors buy in. High demand and widespread enthusiasm lead to price surges. In late 2017, Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies saw dramatic price increases. Positive sentiment, media hype, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) drove prices to unprecedented levels.

A bear market, on the other hand, is characterized by falling prices and widespread pessimism. During bear markets, the price of cryptocurrencies tends to drop as investors sell off their holdings. Reduced demand and panic selling lead to price declines. In 2018, following the 2017 peak, the cryptocurrency market experienced a prolonged bear market. Negative sentiment, regulatory concerns, and the bursting of the speculative bubble led to significant price declines across the board.

Media and Public Perception

News outlets and social media platforms quickly spread information about cryptocurrencies, reaching a wide audience. This rapid dissemination significantly impacts investor sentiment and decision-making. Endorsements or criticisms from influential figures (techpreneurs or financial analysts) can sway public opinion and affect market dynamics.

Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube amplify trends. Viral posts and discussions quickly impact market sentiment and lead to price fluctuations. In early 2021, Elon Musk’s tweets and public endorsements of Dogecoin led to significant price increases. His tweets often caused immediate spikes in Dogecoin’s value as followers and investors reacted to his statements.

When China announced a crackdown on cryptocurrency mining and trading in mid-2021, the news led to a sharp decline in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In early 2021, when Tesla announced it had purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin and would accept it as payment, Bitcoin’s price surged. However, later that year, when Tesla suspended Bitcoin payments citing environmental concerns, the price dropped significantly.

Regulatory Environment

Clear and supportive regulations can legitimize cryptocurrencies, encouraging broader adoption by businesses and individuals.  Regulatory clarity can boost investor confidence, leading to increased investment and higher prices. Regulations affect how easily people can buy, sell, and use cryptocurrencies. Overly strict regulations can stifle innovation and hinder growth.

In December 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs. They claimed its sale of XRP constituted an unregistered securities offering. This regulatory action caused XRP’s price to plummet by over 50%. Exchanges delisted XRP, and investors reacted to the legal uncertainty.

In September 2021, El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. This move was seen as a major milestone for cryptocurrency adoption. The announcement led to a surge in Bitcoin’s price as the news spread.

India has had a fluctuating stance on cryptocurrency regulation (from outright bans to regulation and taxation). News of potential bans has repeatedly caused market volatility and price drops for cryptocurrencies widely traded in India.

The U.S. Infrastructure Bill included provisions to increase reporting requirements for cryptocurrency transactions. The bill's passage led to concerns over regulatory burdens and privacy, contributing to market uncertainty and temporary price declines.

Macroeconomic Factors

Macroeconomic factors that influence the crypto market include:

  • Interest Rates: Central banks influence the economy by adjusting interest rates. When interest rates are low, borrowing is cheaper. This increases investment in riskier assets like cryptocurrencies. Conversely, higher interest rates make borrowing more expensive, potentially reducing investment in cryptocurrencies.
  • Inflation: Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money over time. Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, are often seen as a hedge against inflation because their supply is limited. As inflation rises, people invest in cryptocurrencies to preserve value, driving up prices. Conversely, low inflation can reduce the perceived need for such hedges. However, real estate requires significant capital and is less liquid than cryptocurrencies.
  • Economic Growth: Strong economic growth increases disposable income, potentially leading to more investments in cryptocurrencies. Historically, gold has been a preferred hedge against economic instability and inflation. Cryptocurrencies are often referred to as "digital gold" due to their perceived ability to retain value during economic downturns. However, gold has a long-established track record, while cryptocurrencies are relatively new and more volatile.
  • Currency Fluctuations: The value of fiat currencies can impact cryptocurrency prices. If a fiat currency devalues, people might turn to cryptocurrencies as an alternative store of value, increasing demand and prices. During economic instability, people lose confidence in fiat currencies, leading to increased interest in alternative assets like cryptocurrencies. 

Market Dynamics Affecting How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value

Cryptocurrency value is affected by several market dynamics that include the following:

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Exchanges provide a platform where buyers and sellers can trade cryptocurrencies. Higher liquidity on an exchange means there are more participants. These platforms make it easier to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at stable prices.

Exchanges facilitate price discovery by matching buy and sell orders. The prices at which trades are executed reflect the current market value of the cryptocurrency. The trading volume and activity on exchanges indicate market sentiment. High trading volumes signal strong interest and confidence in a cryptocurrency.

Well-established exchanges with strong security measures attract more users. They contribute to the perceived legitimacy and value of the cryptocurrencies traded on them. Exchanges make it easier for people to access cryptocurrencies. More accessible and user-friendly exchanges attract new investors, increasing demand and value.

When Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was listed on Coinbase in December 2017, its price surged significantly due to increased accessibility and market confidence. When Binance listed Dogecoin (DOGE) in July 2019, the price saw a notable increase. The listing on a major exchange brought the initial public offering (IPO) of Coinbase itself in April 2021 was a landmark event that positively affected the broader cryptocurrency market. 


Liquidity is the ease with which a cryptocurrency can be bought or sold without causing significant price changes. High liquidity means there are many buyers and sellers in the market. In a highly liquid market, large trades are executed without dramatically affecting the price. The market absorbs large buy or sell orders more effectively. This leads to more stable prices, which is beneficial for both short-term traders and long-term investors.

Institutional investors prefer markets with high liquidity because they enter and exit positions with minimal impact on the market price. High liquidity typically leads to tighter bid-ask spreads, which means lower transaction costs for buying and selling. 


In the cryptocurrency market, competition drives innovation and improvement. The competition encourages cryptos to differentiate themselves by offering better security, lower transaction fees, or other unique attributes. As more people use and support a cryptocurrency, its utility and security improve, making it more attractive compared to competitors.

New projects experience rapid price increases if they are perceived as innovative or disruptive. They also face sharp declines if they fail to deliver on their promises or if a competitor offers a superior solution. 

Social and Behavioral Factors Affecting the Value of Cryptocurrency

Human behavior can significantly affect the value of cryptocurrency in the following ways:

Community and Node Count

A strong community helps spread awareness, build trust, and attract new users and investors. Bitcoin and Ethereum have large communities that contribute to their adoption and market stability. These communities advocate for cryptocurrencies, develop new applications, and participate in governance decisions. Their active involvement creates a network effect, where the value of the cryptocurrency increases as more people use and support it. 

Nodes are computers that maintain copies of a blockchain and validate transactions. A high node count contributes to decentralization. Decentralization means no single entity controls the network, making it resistant to censorship and attacks. This setup ensures that transactions are verified by multiple parties, preventing fraud and ensuring network stability. It also enhances the security of the blockchain, making it difficult for malicious actors to manipulate or compromise the system.

Investor Attributes

Crypto investors generally have a higher risk appetite compared to traditional investors. Some investors hold cryptocurrencies for the long term, believing in their potential as stores of value. Others are short-term traders who capitalize on price volatility for quick profits.

Many investors have a deep technical understanding of the blockchain and its underlying protocols. Investors often buy and sell based on price movements and market trends rather than fundamental value. 


Before diving into crypto investment, conducting thorough research is paramount. Without adequate research, investing in cryptocurrencies leads to losses due to market volatility and speculative bubbles. The future of cryptocurrency valuation will continue to evolve with advancements in blockchain technology, web3 adoption, and regulatory developments. Cryptocurrencies with strong use cases, robust communities, and decentralized networks are poised to maintain and increase their value over time. However, investors should remain vigilant, conduct thorough research, and adopt a long-term perspective to navigate this dynamic and evolving market successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Cryptocurrencies Have Any Value at All?

Many cryptocurrencies serve a purpose within their respective blockchain ecosystems and mimic precious metals like gold to create scarcity and drive up demand. These gives them value and cause rise in their price.

How Does Bitcoin Gain Its Value?

Bitcoin has a limited supply capped at 21 million coins. It was the first cryptocurrency and has the largest network of users. Many investors see Bitcoin as a store of value or "digital gold" due to its properties as a hedge against inflation and economic instability. Increased adoption by merchants, financial institutions, and institutional investors has contributed to Bitcoin's value.

What Is the Role of Mining in the Value of Cryptocurrencies?

Miners validate and process transactions on the blockchain. In Proof-of-Work (PoW) currencies like Bitcoin, miners are rewarded with newly minted coins for validating transactions. Mining contributes to decentralization by distributing control over the network among miners worldwide.

How Do New Cryptocurrencies Gain Value?

Cryptos with practical use cases gain value based on their utility. Building a strong community of users, developers, and supporters creates demand and increases the perceived value of the cryptocurrency. Positive media coverage also contributes to increasing a new cryptocurrency's value.

How Does Market Sentiment Affect Cryptocurrency Prices?

Positive news leads to increased buying activity and rising prices. Meanwhile, negative news leads to selling pressure and declining prices. Investors follow the actions of others, contributing to price momentum either upwards or downwards.

Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile due to rapid changes in sentiment and speculative trading.

How Do Cryptocurrency Exchanges Influence the Value of Cryptocurrencies?

Exchanges facilitate price discovery by matching buy and sell orders. Exchanges with higher trading volumes provide liquidity, making it easier for investors to buy and sell without significantly affecting prices. Being listed on major exchanges increases a cryptocurrency's visibility and accessibility. Exchanges comply with regulations that impact trading volumes and the availability of cryptocurrencies on the platform.